Physical Therapy + Antigravity Treadmill + Hydrotherapy Package

From: 1,050.00 SAR

Experience a comprehensive approach to rehabilitation and recovery with our Physical Therapy + Antigravity Treadmill + Hydrotherapy package. Our skilled therapists will design a personalized treatment plan, incorporating innovative technology and the healing properties of water to improve strength, mobility, and overall well-being.

Our Physical Therapy + Antigravity Treadmill + Hydrotherapy package offers a comprehensive approach to rehabilitation and recovery. This unique package combines the benefits of physical therapy, the innovative antigravity treadmill, and the healing properties of hydrotherapy to provide a holistic treatment plan.

During our physical therapy sessions, our experienced therapists will evaluate your specific needs and design a personalized treatment program. Through a combination of manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, and modalities, we aim to improve your strength, flexibility, mobility, and overall function.

The antigravity treadmill is a state-of-the-art device that uses differential air pressure to reduce the weight-bearing load on your joints and muscles. By creating a controlled and supportive environment, it allows you to train and rehabilitate with less impact and stress on your body. This cutting-edge technology can be beneficial for a variety of conditions, including post-operative rehabilitation, sports injuries, and chronic pain management.

Hydrotherapy, also known as aquatic therapy, utilizes the buoyancy and resistance of water to enhance the healing process. In our specialized hydrotherapy pool, our skilled therapists will guide you through exercises that can promote relaxation, reduce pain, improve range of motion, and enhance muscle strength.

By combining physical therapy, the antigravity treadmill, and hydrotherapy, our package offers a comprehensive and integrated approach to rehabilitation and well-being. Our dedicated team of therapists will work with you to optimize your treatment plan and support your journey towards improved health and function.